Category Archives: Bob Brown

Who is Really Gulity?

I cannot get my head around the recent news about Italian scientists being sent to prison – being convicted for not predicting an earthquake event in 2009. If that is how it’s going to be from now on, will they, … Continue reading

Posted in Al Gore, Anthropological Global Warming, Australalian Government, Australian Green's, Australian Labor Party, Australian Liberal's, Australian Politics, Bob Brown, Carbon Cops, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax pay offs, Climate Change, CO2, Earth Changes, George W Bush, Global Cooling, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Julia Gillard, No Ccarbon Tax, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, Politicians | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Bob is Dead

The Bob is Dead …… slunk off to his forest retreat in the backwoods of Tasmania, leaving many of us wondering why this all happened so quickly. Speculation aside… if there is an underlying story, eventually it will surface. So Bye Bye … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Cops, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax pay offs, Christine Milne, CO2, GENERAL MUSINGS, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Green Energy Initiatives, Indoctrination, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, The Green's | 8 Comments

Never a truer word spoken!

Like many bloggers, I subscribe to like-minded blogs in the wide world of the Internet. I also must admit to enjoying science fiction books and movies, and have done for many many years. When I received my daily dose from Menzies House … Continue reading

Posted in Bob Brown, Science Fiction | 1 Comment

Money Makes the World Go Round – so thinketh Julia!

Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia, is about to print off more money and hand it out to the people of Australia, in an attempt to convince them she is a Goodie Goodie and some kind of a Fairy Godmother!   … Continue reading

Posted in Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax pay offs, CO2, FOOD, GENERAL MUSINGS, Indoctrination, Julia Gillard, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, The Green's, Wayne Swan | Tagged | 3 Comments

1984 is upon us NOW!

Late yesterday afternoon, I read something that sent chills down my spine. Mr. Ray Finkelstein QC, a left-wing former Federal Court Judge with no media experience, issued a 400 page report for the Gillard Government which calls for a Big … Continue reading

Posted in 1984 - Big Brother, Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the press | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Election Now – None of this who is on my side stuff

They Lie, cheat, swear and put on happy faces for the general public, who they have no respect for. They spend their days coming up with schemes which will boost their egos and yet totally ignore what the voting public … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Cops, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, CO2, ETS, GENERAL MUSINGS, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Government Adverts, Indoctrination, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, The Green's | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Election Now – None of this who is on my side stuff

If Julia screamed in the forest would Bob hear her?

Now if only Julia would tell Bob Brown where to get off on his Carbon Dioxide Taxation Scheme I truly believe the Australian People would hold her in far greater esteem. What we find though is she is telling him … Continue reading

Posted in Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, GENERAL MUSINGS, The Green's, Tree's | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Take A Pay Cut Prime Minister

Not only Julia Gillard but the entire Federal and State(s) Government(s) of Australia could well do following the example of the Government of Singapore. When Governments allocate pay rises for themselves whilst raising taxes on the general population (think the … Continue reading

Posted in Australian Labor Party, Barack Obama, Bob Brown, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, CO2, GENERAL MUSINGS, Julia Gillard, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, The Green's | Comments Off on Take A Pay Cut Prime Minister

FAIL FAIL FAILED AGAIN – Hang your head in shame Julia

I don’t know about you but I personally am getting sick and tired of hearing about – scheme after scheme, put in place by the ALP (Australia), spending gazillions of our hard earned taxpayer monies on FAILED schemes. The most … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Cops, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, CO2, GENERAL MUSINGS, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Government Adverts, Green Energy Initiatives, Indoctrination, Julia Gillard, Political Graft, Political Greed and Graft, Solar Panels, The Green's | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on FAIL FAIL FAILED AGAIN – Hang your head in shame Julia

Australia’s New Green Energy Future

Is It Doomed to failure??? Advertisements abound on line, such as the one shown (below) for money to be made/saved on Green Energy schemes. “You can get a huge discount on a solar energy and wind power systems thanks to … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Australian Labor Party, Barack Obama, Bob Brown, Carbon Cops, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, CO2, GENERAL MUSINGS, Government Adverts, Green Energy Initiatives, Indoctrination, Julia Gillard, Political Greed and Graft, Solar Panels, The Green's, Wind Farms, Wind Turbines | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Australia’s New Green Energy Future