Category Archives: Magnetic Pole Shift

A New Wave of Immigrants Perhaps

Media hype abounds regarding the devastating effect of the melting (abnormal so they tell us) Polar Ice Cap. One news report even has the pole, waving the while surrender flag! AL Gore was right all along if you actually take … Continue reading

Posted in Al Gore, Anthropological Global Warming, Asylum Seekers, Australalian Government, Australian Politics, Changing Sun, Climate Change, Cosmic Radiation, Earth Changes, GENERAL MUSINGS, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Immigration, Julia Gillard, Magnetic Pole Shift, Polar Bears, Politicians, Scientific Consensus, Solar Radiation | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Originally posted on JustMEinT's Christian Musings:
Is that kind of like being told ‘mind your own business”? Perhaps in a way it is, but would it actually have made any difference if My Lord Jesus had sat down and…

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Bible Verse, CAGW, Changing Sun, CHRISTIAN, CME's, CO2, Cosmic Radiation, Earth Changes, Earth's Magnetic Field, End Times, Faith in God, GENERAL MUSINGS, Gloom and Doom scenarios, Magnetic Pole Shift, Sea Level Rise, Solar Radiation, Spiritual Warfare, Sun Spots, Tree's, Volcanic Ash, War, World Domination | Tagged | Comments Off on

Have the Tame Scientists told Bob and Julia?

Day in day out – or at least several times each week I come across, what some would term ‘dissenting views’ on the reason for worldwide climate change. According to the Australian Government, ‘the science is in’…. there is no … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Australian Labor Party, Bob Brown, Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax, Changing Sun, CO2, CSIRO, ETS, IPCC, Julia Gillard, Magnetic Pole Shift, Sea Level Rise | Tagged | 7 Comments

Wisdom and Warning

From Mark Sircus watch the linked video first – opens in a new page it is VITAL to this page Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change on CBC’s The National  Something astounding is going on and the elders in the Arctic … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropological Global Warming, Changing Sun, Global Freezing, Inuit/Tribal Wisdom, Magnetic Pole Shift, Sun Spots, Volcanic Ash | Tagged | 7 Comments